Friday, February 17, 2012

You have been Hijacked

Hello everyone...this is Matt's wife. Yes, his blog has been hijacked. Matt is out taking his afternoon walk/run...and I figured this was the perfect time to hijack his blog. Let me tell you, I am so proud of him. This was a huge jump...huge leap of faith to do. I was a bit concerned at first, but the more I read and listened I was hooked. I am amazed at his stamina level, his focus and how he is getting passionate about living his life to the fullest. It's been hard the past few years watching him struggle...with depression, sleep problems and his lack of self esteem. I am so excited to jump into this next stage of our life...and to see the amazing things God has for us. So keep watching...and see the dramatic transformation that we are watching. So proud Matt...and I love you so much!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love it all. You both are doing so great and you're such an inspiration!!! Loved the Valentine's Day posts too. Kudos to you both. In Chinese there's a phrase that just doesn't translate well. "Jia yo" literally means "add oil", but the meaning is like greasing the wheels to keep them spinning fast and moving well. So, jia yo, Matt and Allison!
